Don‘t be mad at your vis-a-vis when they say the print has lost its power. Take this as an opportunity & challenge to surprise them with a customized partner package of the next level. I can help you creating proposals & ideas that will fit each and every client of yours, specifically based on their brand philosphoy, budget and target group. We all need to think digital but also out and around the box. The proposal need to be different and special, broken down to the clients needs. If they lost confidence in your title you can get them back with unique activations which will help you as well as magazine.
With the vague of all these new kids on the block in the world of Influencers the brands have become more cautious about potential collaborations, product placements & gifting. But they also know that they need to be present within todays celebrity scene, which is undisputed the world of social media with all its different and evermore evolving channels & stars. You as an Influencer need to stand out with a lot of followers and engagement to be attractive, but you also need to offer a creative way of working with the brands of tomorrow. Even more if you are a micro Influencer you need to incorporate their products in a creative way in on a maybe longterm base. Just one post won’t do it any longer. I will help you to draft these proposals and get straight to the point. We will make your brand proposal pop out at the selection.
As an organization searching for sponsoring partners I can help you to develop and draft the right sponsoring package. As I have been in charge of sponsoring for big brands I can offer you an inside thinking based on my experience how budgets are planned within the corporate world and how decisions are made. Brands want to be integrated in an authentic but visible way, I can show you how. I have always enjoyed merging the ideas and expectations of the two partnering entities and make it much more than just a “exposure for money” exchange. We will make something meaningful out of the engagements for both sides.