Creative Consulting is a way for you to find inspiration and fresh ideas from outside (the box). I can help you to develop new strategies, create new stories, find new names and merge new trends with your product, your service, your message & your brand. We can meet virtually or we organize a brainstorming session in your office with your Product and / or Marketing team. Together we will find new approaches below, above, between and beyond the lines. A tailor-made creative consulting package for a unique brand & product.
Creative support can be helpful in many situations. You have a brilliant portfolio but you don‘t know how to communicate and get potential clients interested. You are a young start-up with no money to hire a full-time creative head count. Or maybe you are a longstanding institution and want a refresh in your message because you need to address a new clientele. You need coherent suggestions for a Sponsoring engagement that suits your strategy and brings you to a new level of visibility.
As a magazine you have a hard time to attract clients to advertise with you because they say that print is dead. With my experience in the corporate world I can help you to find the right solutions and stories to work with brands and offer them more than just a page. As Influencer you might find the market satisfied and don‘t know how to approach the brands anymore. Now more than ever we are all in need of authentic „vehicles“ for our brand & company message. We will create an eye catching proposal together. To know more about how I can help you and what areas of creativity your business could benefit from, please check out my CREATIVE SERVICES.

Wherever a marketing story can be created, upgraded, adapted, re-invented and embellished I will support you and your marketing team. Marketing narratives must fit your brand DNA to appear authetnic & credible, but also it should sometimes shock, wake up, be eyechatching or turn your audience upside down. You need to have something to say and this message should be applied on all channels for the big picture. Let‘s get this story started & tell it to your customers in their own language.

Although it is all about numbers in sales, there is a real need for storytelling. We need a good story to tell our retail network about the brand to get them excited and a message to accompany our sales promotion at the POS to stand out. We need to train our subsidiaries on the new brand strategy & launches. The ideas created at HQs are often complex & holistic, but when it comes to break them down to the markets & stores, we need to translate them into comprehensive sales literature.

Nowadays a successful product launch can never be overstated. You need to grab the attention in a competitive over-satisfied environment on multiple channels. Finding the right name for your product is as crucial as telling the legendary story to boost it. Your brilliant product or service needs some cheerleaders to help them getting the attention. Beyond the name and the stories we will create a world around it. The sky is the limit with creative consulting.

Your brand strategy is the emotional promise to your audience. It should serve the purpose you foresee for your business. It is the key story of your endeavor, your leitmotif. I can help you to get your head around the brand name, strategy & communication surrounding it to internal and external stakeholders. Your great business idea deserves some “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” around it. Cinderella had a great creative consultant, but we will make the stories last longer than midnight.

Let me know what I can do for you. Write me who you are and a short message about the project, product or field you are looking to get creative input & support for.
Based in Granada, Spain (UTC +1). Working Worldwide.